Trusted Nurse Staffing In Pittsburgh, PA | Trusted Nurse Staffing 987839088534212 [9:30 AM] Katie Iglewski

Travel Nurse Staffing In Pittsburgh, PA

Travel nursing is a very competitive field in Pittsburgh, PA. Talking with fellow travel nurses can help you understand and/or negotiate benefits, payroll, and getting your resume out there for hire. Trusted Nursing Staffing helps you stand out from your peers and save time, letting you focus on doing what you love.

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Travel Nurse Staffing In Pittsburgh and Surrounding Areas

Travel nurses are registered nurses and licensed practical nurses who work in long-term care facilities when there are nursing shortages or fill in on temporary hospital assignments. About 1,696, 386 travel nurses are currently working in the US alone. Their roles and responsibilities resemble their settled peers, but they earn higher wages, receive housing and meals stipends, and enjoy bigger bonuses.

Benefits of Travel Nursing

Travel nurses who work with Trusted Nurse Staffing enjoy the highest pay rates in the industry and 401(k) with a 4% match after one year and 1,000 hours of employment. There are flexible contracts from six to eight to 13 weeks, allowing you to work under your preferred terms.

In travel nursing, you can still engage yourself in other activities you like, as you can choose to work part-time, full-time, or per diem. You can also choose to work overtime or double time and get appropriately compensated for it.

Travel nursing also offers options for direct deposits, weekly paychecks, and customized benefits packages. You get insurance coverage for your safety assurance from Guardian Dental and Vision Insurance, Employee-sponsored Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance, and others. Once you join us, we welcome you with a gift box and you can start enjoying our loyalty programs, including discount programs and referral bonus programs. 

Additionally, you can enjoy the following:

  • 24/7 access to a trusted partner
  • Weekly payrolls and direct deposit
  • Sign-on & Completion bonus 
  • Housing, meal, and travel stipends
  • Rental vehicle selections
  • Trusted perks program 
  • Loyalty program 
  • The HRA Card, which covers medical deductibles

What Your Trusted Representative Does for You

A trusted representative will analyze your experience, work history, and education to help you craft your resume to fit the position you want. They listen to your interests, goals, and availability to ensure the assignments you get favor your needs. After analyzing your information, they connect you with your top choices, arrange an interview with the hiring managers and submit you to those choices. The representative then ensures you get what you asked for by consulting with you about the offer details and confirming when you will start. 

They assist you in pre-hire compliance throughout the hiring process, including appointments, updating certifications, attending drug screens, and guiding you through the onboarding process that may sometimes be tedious at new facilities.

A trusted representative from travel nurse staffing also ensures you always feel someone has your back by offering moral support and advice during your assignments. They will also help you choose the next adventure around Pittsburgh, PA, and plan for it or negotiate for an extension of your current assignment.

Begin Your Career in Travel Nursing in Pittsburgh

Becoming a travel nurse is an opportunity to explore many places, try new things, build relationships, and keep learning as you work. There are thousands of nursing positions available annually in the Pittsburgh metro area. Of those, travel nurses will fill the most positions, so finding one of these opportunities is quite easy through Trusted Nurse Staffing.

Trusted Nurse Staffing provides you with dedicated tools to win your most preferred assignments all over the United States. Contact us today for more information and experience about why the techs, nurses, and therapists trust the Trusted Nurse Staffing.


Image Source:  Monkey Business Images / Shuttestock


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